- 110 Per¢
- The 120 Days of Simon
- 2 Sisters Silk-Screened Poster
- 24x2
- Abe: Wrong for the Right Reasons
- AEIOU or Any Easy Intimacy
- Alec: The Years Have Pants
- Alec: The Years Have Pants -- HARDCOVER
- All Flee!
- Alone Forever
- American Elf (Book 1)
- American Elf (Book 1) (hardcover)
- American Elf (Book 2)
- American Elf (Book 3)
- American Elf (Book 4)
- American Elf 1999
- American Elf 2000
- American Elf 2001
- American Elf 2002
- American Elf 2003
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- Apocrypha Now
- Ashes
- At the Comics
- August Moon
- Ax (Vol 1): A Collection of Alternative Manga
- Bacchus (Omnibus Edition): Volume One
- Bacchus (Omnibus Edition): Volume Two
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- The Barefoot Serpent (softcover)
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- Belzebubs (Vol 2): No Rest for the Wicked
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- Big Clay Pot
- Bighead
- Bionic
- The Birth Caul
- Black Ghost Apple Factory
- Blue
- Bodycount
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- Box Office Poison
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- Broken Fender #2
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- Bughouse (Vol 2): Baja
- Bughouse (Vol 3): Scalawag
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- Chester 5000 (Book 2): Isabelle & George
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- Comic Book Artist (Vol 2) #5
- Comic Book Artist (Vol 2) #6
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- Dang!
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- Dear Beloved Stranger
- Dear Julia,
- Death by Chocolate - Redux
- Deep Breaths
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- The Delicacy
- Depressed Cat
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- Don't Cry Wolfman Chicago
- Double Barrel #01
- Double Barrel #02
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- Dragon Puncher (Book 2): Island
- Dragon Puncher (Book 3): Dragon Puncher Punches Back
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- Every Girl is the End of the World for Me
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- F.A.R.M. System
- F.A.R.M. System (Book 2): Rage
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- Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas -- SIGNED AND NUMBERED EDITION
- Feeble Attempts
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- Free Pass
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- From Hell (Hardcover Edition)
- From Hell / From Hell Companion Slipcase
- The From Hell Companion
- From Hell: Master Edition #01 (of 10)
- From Hell: Master Edition #02 (of 10)
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- From Hell: Master Edition -- HARDCOVER
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- Funny Things: A Comic Strip Biography of Charles M. Schulz
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- Glork Patrol (Book Two): Glork Patrol Takes a Bath
- Glork Patrol (Book Three): Glork Patrol and the Magic Robot
- God Is Disappointed / Apocrypha Now — SLIPCASE SET
- God Is Disappointed in You
- The Grot: The Story of the Swamp City Grifters
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- Gumballs #2
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- Happy #2: Elephant, Bunny, & Chicken
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- Happy #4: Female
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- Her Bark and Her Bite
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- Hey, Mister #3
- Hey, Mister #4
- Hey, Mister #5: Behind the Green Door
- Hey, Mister #6: The Trouble with Jesus
- Hey, Mister #7: Eyes on the Prize
- Hey, Mister #8: Dial M for Mister
- Hey, Mister (Vol 1): After School Special
- Hey, Mister (Vol 2): Celebrity Roast
- Hey, Mister (Vol 3): The Fall Collection
- Hey, Mister: Come Hell or Highwater Pants
- Hieronymus B.
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- Home Time II: Beyond The Weaving
- Home Time: Twelve Days
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- Hutch Owen (Vol 2): Unmarketable
- Hutch Owen (Vol 3): Let's Get Furious!
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- I Am Going to Be Small
- I Am Going To Be Small (Hardcover)
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- In Utero
- Incredible Change-Bots One
- Incredible Change-Bots One -- HARDCOVER
- Incredible Change-Bots Two
- Incredible Change-Bots Two -- HARDCOVER
- Incredible Change-Bots Two Point Something Something
- Incredible Change-Bots Two Point Something Something -- HARDCOVER
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- Ionheart
- It Rhymes With Takei
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- The Jekyll Island Chronicles (Book Two): A Devil's Reach
- The Jekyll Island Chronicles (Book Three): A Last Call
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- Jennifer Daydreamer: Anna & Eva
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- Johnny Boo (Book 2): Twinkle Power
- Johnny Boo (Book 3): Happy Apples
- Johnny Boo (Book 4): The Mean Little Boy
- Johnny Boo (Book 5): Does Something!
- Johnny Boo (Book 6): Zooms to the Moon!
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- Johnny Boo (Book 8): Johnny Boo and the Ice Cream Computer
- Johnny Boo (Book 9): Johnny Boo is King!
- Johnny Boo (Book 10): Johnny Boo and the Midnight Monsters
- Johnny Boo (Book 11): Johnny Boo Finds a Clue?
- Johnny Boo (Book 12): Johnny Boo and the Silly Blizzard
- Johnny Boo (Book 13): Johnny Boo Goes to School
- Johnny Boo (Book 14): Johnny Boo is Bored! Bored! Bored!
- Johnny Boo Meets Dragon Puncher!
- Johnny Boo's Big Boo Box (Slipcase Set of Books 1-5)
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- Karmopolis (Book 1): The Land of Cars
- Keyhole #5
- Keyhole #6
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- Kitchen Table Magazine #1
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- Korgi (Book 3): A Hollow Beginning
- Korgi (Book 4): The Problem with Potions
- Korgi (Book 5): End of Seasons
- Korgi Enamel Pin
- Korgi: Short Tails
- Korgi: The Complete Tale
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- The Land of Unfinished Dreams
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- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Vol III): Century (TPB)
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- The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Vol IV): The Tempest -- HARDCOVER
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- Lost Girls (Book 3): The Great and Terrible
- Lost Girls (Expanded Edition)
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- Lower Regions: Defense of the West Gate
- Lowlife
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- March: Book One
- March: Book One -- HARDCOVER
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- March: Book Two -- HARDCOVER
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- The Motorcycle Samurai #1: Overture
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- The Motorcycle Samurai: A Very White Bolt Christmas
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- Nemo: River of Ghosts
- Nemo: The Roses of Berlin
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- Pinocchio, Vampire Slayer (Vol. 1)
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- Red Panda & Moon Bear (Book Two): The Curse of the Evil Eye
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- Staros Report -- 1997
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- Top Shelf Action Pack #1
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- The Underwater Welder - SIGNED & NUMBERED HARDCOVER
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