"Jeffrey Brown's work is not precious, broken-heart type stuff, but instead renders the terrific blanches and indelible happiness one can inflict upon another." -- Jennifer Przybylski, Rain Taxi
"Brown is a consummate storyteller, with a mixture of believable dialogue that carries both wistful romance and casual cruelty blending with simple artwork that conveys a wide variety of emotions and actions." -- Randy Lander, The Fourth Rail
Originally printed as a limited edition with hand drawn covers, Top Shelf presents the "final chapter" of Jeffrey Brown's so-called Girlfriend Trilogy. AEIOU or Any Easy Intimacy continues to explore the subtleties of relationships explored in Clumsy and Unlikely, concentrating this time on the differences between knowing and loving someone, invoking the reader's relationship with the book as a parallel to being involved with someone. The story is told with Brown's trademark expressive drawings and juxtaposition of humor and heartache. -- 224 pages, Diamond: APR053183