"SuperF*ckers is the top book on the reading stack whenever it comes out. It's non-stop hijinx and fun, filthy, vulgar, explicit fun, and it cracks me up. I love ridiculousness, mockery and political un-correctness, and that's what this book seems to be all about." -- Justin Ponsor, Comic Book Resources
Also known as SuperF*ckers #277. This is the "love and romance" issue ... or, you could say it's the "betrayal" issue, or even the "head injury" issue. Maybe it's the "everything" issue. Emotions run hot and fisticuffs ensue as the plot twists in unexpected direction after unexpected direction. The story will blow your mind just as surely as the intense colors will sear your eyeballs. There's more glorious mayhem in this single issue than in a 100 ordinary superhero books, and more heart too. -- 24 pages, Diamond: APR063412