"Sickman-Garner’s best work shows a complexity of vision and cartooning talent that make him eminently watchable; qualities which belie the seeming hopelessness of his work. Like Shannon Wheeler, he manages to wrench some telling humor from a seemingly inauspicious vehicle." -- The Comics Journal
This trade paperback collects the first four issues of Pete Sickman-Garner's regular series, HEY, MISTER, topped off with three new stories and a few anthology pieces. Follow the adventures of Pete's hilarious cast of misfits, Young Tim, Mister, Aunt Mary, and Hideous Mutants (don't ask!), as they continue their guerrilla war against everything sacred and beautiful. - Best of all, there aren't any actual celebrities. Well, except for Sting, but he gets killed off rather quickly. -- 144 pages