More than 900,000 Nickelodeon Magazine readers have basked in the fun that is Yam!
"A solid addition to any graphic novel collection." -- School Library Journal
"Corey Barba is a natural-born cartoonist and his Yam comics are warm, funny, and super-real. This
man remembers childhood -- what it felt like, what it was, and what it should have been!" -- Chris Duffy, comics editor, Nickelodeon Magazine
"Yam makes me wish all desserts were sugar-free! You’re a good man, Yam!" -- Art Baltazar, cartoonist of Patrick the Wolf Boy and DC Comics' Tiny Titans
"Yam is a gathering of naturally sweetened narratives that drift like Saharan sand into artful corners, like daydreamed adventures from a sunny afternoon nap. If you listen closely, you can even hear the sound of children playing and the light traffic noises of the poor folks who are on their way nowhere special and will miss this wonderful collection of stirringly fun comics. Don’t you be one of those." -- Jay Stephens, creator of Tutenstein, Jetcat, and Cartoon Network’s The Secret Saturdays
"Corey has an incredible ability to create a wonderful, imaginative world, populate it with whimsical characters, and -- hardest of all -- tell a sweet story all without using a single word. That’s cartooning at its finest. If I wore hats, I would take them off for him." -- C.H. Greenblatt, creator of Cartoon Network’s Chowder
"It's super, super, SUPER-cute stuff, but the mini-adventures the little guy gets into are visually interesting and inventive enough to hold the interest of an older reader too ... Corey Barba's ink line is confident, crunchy and a little addictive." -- Alan David Doane, Comic Book Galaxy
"Yam: Bite-Size Chunks is a MUST must-have when it comes to 'all ages' comics." -- Leroy Douresseaux, Comic Book Bin
Top Shelf is proud to present an all-new, "silent" all-ages graphic novel series … Yam and his fun-loving friends live on the remote tropical island of Leche de la Luna, and are always getting mixed up in surreal adventures. Whether it's encountering cupcakes that spring to life, befriending potted flowers, or exploring the mysterious ruins on the island, this small boy in his hooded, footy pajamas always ends up having a blast with his friends. The debut graphic novel, simply titled YAM, is anchored by the full-length story "Toy with My Dreams," in which Yam develops a crush on a girl much too old for him, but ends up being able to communicate with her in his dreams. The graphic novel also contains a full-color section and several short stories which have seen print in Nickelodeon Magazine. Sure to be a real treat for anyone who's a fan of OWLY or KORGI. -- 88-Page Graphic Novel with a full-color section, 6 1/2" x 9", Diamond: MAY084160