"You can open to any page and find something unusually bare and honest about these stories. They're surprising, even though half the moments in the book are ones you've probably experienced yourself. Hard trick to pull off." -- Ira Glass, host and producer of public radio's This American Life
"Funny, sad, and a little embarrassing, Jeff Brown . . . delivers the look at real life that other forms of 'reality' entertainment falsely promise." -- Andrew Arnold, Time
Clumsy is Jeffrey Brown's debut work; a book praised by Chris Ware and hailed by James Kochalka as his "favorite graphic novel ever." Clumsy is the bittersweet story of a year-long, long-distance relationship, told through snippets of everyday life, drawn in a simple and elegantly awkward style that heightens the emotional impact and leaves you reminiscing about your own past love affairs. It also has a lot of sex. -- 232 pages, Diamond: STAR18186