Team Top Shelf Tackles Stumptown!
April 23, 2010

You probably know that Portland, Oregon is a hotbed of comic-book activity -- but did you know that two years in a row, the mayor has officially declared April to be Comics Month in Portland?
Well, the pinnacle of that month is upon us, with the annual Stumptown Comics Fest hitting Portland this weekend! Top Shelf will be there in style, of course, with Portland-based crew Brett Warnock and Leigh Walton supporting a crew of great cartoonists including Brett Weldele (The Surrogates), Bwana Spoons (Welcome to Forest Island), Liz Prince (Delayed Replays, Will You Still Love Me If I Wet the Bed?) at her own booth, and Craig Thompson (Blankets) as a featured guest of the show!
Stumptown is renowned as one of the friendliest of all comic shows, so come on out and say hello!