MTV wants animated INCREDIBLE CHANGE-BOTS... CBR interrogates MATT KINDT!
April 22, 2010

Jeffrey Brown's hilarious robot spoof Incredible Change-Bots has plenty of fans -- most recently, Rick Marshall at MTV's Splash Page, who just posted an "Adapt This!" column arguing for an animated series starring those bumbling 'bots. "Incredible Change-Bots manages to find the perfect balance between nostalgia and self-aware fun," he writes. So, will we ever Balls the golf cart brought to life on screen? Only time will tell, but in the meantime check out this awesome animated short, and stay tuned for the Change-Bots sequel coming in November!
Meanwhile, Comic Book Resources celebrates the release of Matt Kindt's Super Spy (vol. 2): The Lost Dossiers by interviewing the man himself! Click here to read his thoughts on The Lost Dossiers ("a giant spy activity book for adults"), book design ("I'm a firm believer in the medium being the message"), and more... including his plan to conquer every comics publisher in the industry! Hey, we're happy to share him -- there's plenty of Kindt quality to go around!