Chris Beckett
Hailing from Maine, Chris Beckett has conjured up fictions for as long as he can remember, but only recently has he begun to share them. With friend and creative partner, Dan Fleming, Chris has self-published four issues of the black & white, comics & prose anthology, Warrior27, and recently collected the best bits from those issues – along with new and never-before-published pieces – into a 254-page collection. Chris also wrote a weekly column for the Pulse from June, 2007 through January, 2009, has contributed to the flash fiction sites, 50 Years From Now and Elephant Words, and has had short stories published by Ape Entertainment – also in collaboration with artist Jason Copland – and Dark Recesses Press. He does most of his writing in the dark, once everyone else is in bed.
To learn more about Chris and his work check out Warrior27.com.
To learn more about Chris and his work check out Warrior27.com.