Aron Nels Steinke
After making animation and storyboards for music videos, Aron ditched his first creative love to pursue a career in comics. In 2006, Aron started publishing his books with the help of a grant from the Xeric Foundation. Since then he has self-published four books including The Super Crazy Cat Dance, which was picked up by Powell's Books to be included as a part of the Indiespensable Book Club, Vol. 4. Aron also has also contributed stories to the anthology Papercutter in issues 7 and 9. Aron's 160-page, all-ages graphic novel, Neptune, has just been published by Sparkplug Comic Books and Tugboat Press and you can preview and buy Neptune directly from here.
Aron’s website is at www.aronnelssteinke.com.
You can buy Aron’s books at www.sparkplugcomicbooks.com.