Don King
Don King is color-blind and lives in Vancouver, BC, Canada. In 2001, he self-published his first comic, the 100-page graphic novel, 'The Wandering Eye'. He can be sometimes heard as a co-host on CITR FM's "Inkstuds:The Show About Comics" with host Robin McConnell. During the day, Don can be found at Vancouver's RX Comics but after dark, he spends his time making comics, making collages and just making do.
Comics-Related Work
- "The Wandering Eye" mini-comic graphic novel [self-published]
- "Characters" mini-sketchbook [self-published]
- "Vespa Erotica" (with Robin Fisher), from the anthology What's Wrong? [Arsenal Pulp Press]
- "The Censored Girl" & "The Train for Thought," from the anthology What Right? [Arsenal Pulp Press]
- "Cold War Classic #1" mini-zine [self-published]
- "Return to Caritas County "mini-comic [self-published]
- "Balthazar Never Lies" mini-comic [self-published]
- "Vancouver" (with Robin Fisher) from Drippytown Comics & Stories #003 [The Drippytown Manufacturing Concern]
- Exhibited with the "Drippytown Manufacturing Concern"-The Whip Gallery- Vancouver,BC
- "Assassinated!", "Love Song" & "Sonny Bono's A Cowboy's Work is Never Done" [all for the Top Shelf Comics website]
- "Colin Uptown's Big Thing-a-ma-jig" & "Lil' Akira :True Tales of Young Akira Kurosawa" from Drippytown Comics & Stories #005 [The Drippytown Manufacturing Concern]
- Exhibited in "The Inkstuds Comic Art Show"- Jem Gallery- Vancouver,BC.
- Invited guest at FUSE all-night comic jam -Vancouver Art Gallery- Vancouver,BC
- Exhibited at Squidhead Installation-Vancouver Art Gallery
- Artist Demonstration-Vancouver Art Gallery
- "Papa's African Adventure" from Vancouver Special #2:Comix & Stories [LS Wong Publications]