A "Century" of Extraordinary Gentlemen, finally collected in gorgeous hardcover!
April 30, 2014

The wait is over! Five years after Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill first brought their famous League of Extraordinary Gentlemen series to the trans-Atlantic partnership of Top Shelf (US) & Knockabout (UK), we're officially opening pre-orders for our most requested item: the collected "Century"!
This 256-page hardcover, scheduled to hit stores in July 2014, will collect all three installments of The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, Vol. III: Century. Spanning the League's adventures in 1910, 1969, and 2009, this metafictional epic sees Mina Murray and her dwindling allies race across time to prevent an apocalyptic conspiracy, while the world they once knew crumbles around them. Woven throughout, of course, are countless colorful characters from 100 years of British popular culture, from Marxist opera to reality television, pulp fiction to experimental film, and even a touch of rock 'n' roll.
Discover the saga CBR called "arguably one of the greatest comics of all time"!
The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Vol III): Century - HARDCOVER
by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill
-- 256-page full-color hardcover with dust jacket
-- 6 5/8" x 10 3/8"
-- ISBN 978-1-60309-329-3
-- Diamond order code: MAY14-1615
-- For mature readers (18+)
-- $29.95 (US)
-- Co-published by Top Shelf Productions (US) and Knockabout Comics (UK)
-- Pre-order now for release in July!

Also open for pre-order: the second printing of the critically acclaimed swan song by the inimitable dean of autobiographical comics, an autobiography of a man and a city: Harvey Pekar's Cleveland.
Harvey Pekar's Cleveland
by Harvey Pekar and Joseph Remnant
-- 128-page hardcover graphic novel
-- 9.3" x 7.3"
-- ISBN 978-1-60309-091-9
-- Diamond order code: DEC11-1207
-- For mature readers (16+)
-- $21.99 (US)
-- Co-published by Top Shelf Productions and Zip Comics
-- Pre-order the new printing now for release in July!