CBLDF Moves To New York City
June 19, 2005

"This move represents an investment in the Fund's future," CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein said. "Making the leap to New York affords us better proximity to the comics and legal communities that we rely upon to perform our mission work. It also allows us to work with a larger base of volunteers and to tap into the vast creative community that the city enjoys. With the Fund turning 20 next year, we're looking to this move as a way to lay a foundation which guarantees that we'll remain a strong and active force defending comics' First Amendment rights for decades to come."
CBLDF President Chris Staros says, "I'm very excited about the CBLDF's move to New York. While the Fund has had a wonderful home in Northampton, MA, the chance for the Fund to relocate to the heart of the comics universe will really enable the organization to better pursue its mission. Protecting the free speech rights of the entire comics community takes the involvement of publishers, retailers, creators, and fans alike, and in New York, the opportunity to work directly with so many more members of the community - as well as other free speech organizations -- can only help to create a stronger Fund for years to come."
The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund was founded in 1986 as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of First Amendment rights for members of the comics community. Donations and inquiries should be directed to the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund at:
Comic Book Legal Defense Fund
271 Madison Avenue, Suite 1400
New York, NY 10016
For additional information, call 800-99-CBLDF, and during the transition Brownstein can be reached for CBLDF business on his mobile number: 413-695-7450.