Will Eisner's The Spirit Graces 2005 CBLDF Member Card
January 12, 2005

"Will authorized us to use the Spirit on this year's card last summer," says CBLDF Executive Director Charles Brownstein. "We'd planned all along to release the art this week, but unfortunately our timing is now bittersweet. But in addition to standing as a tribute to Eisner, this card is yet another illustration of his generous and continued commitment to the art form, and to the CBLDF's fight to preserve the First Amendment rights of this field. I know he was proud to illustrate this year's card, because he realized that members are the heart and soul of our organization."
A constant innovator in comics, Eisner began his avid support of the CBLDF when Denis Kitchen founded the group in 1986. Brownstein continues, "From Denis' first benefit portfolio up to the present day with the release of this card, Will unselfishly volunteered his art, time, and resources to help us fulfill our mission. He was always available on the other side of the phone whenever we needed his insight. He never turned down a request. He was always curious about our ongoing work and freely offered good ideas about how we could do that work better."
CBLDF President Chris Staros said, "Will Eisner understood that the ability for him to create the stories he was interested in telling depended upon a strong retailer environment that would be defended against unnecessary prosecutions. It's poignant that he was able to provide this card as one of his last gifts to our members. He was an inspiration for our work and continues to inspire us as we face the challenges of 2005."
The 2005 member card is presently at the printer and is due back in early February. It will be sent to members who join or renew this year. To sign up, please visit http://cbldf.org/membership.shtml.