Swing into the Sixties with THE LEAGUE OF EXTRAORDINARY GENTLEMEN, in stores everywhere TODAY!
July 27, 2011

Yes, it's LEAGUE Day once again! After a blistering sell-out launch at last weekend's Comic-Con in San Diego, the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen's latest adventure (Century: 1969) is now available in stores everywhere. Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill will leave your head spinning and your brain fried in this tale of psychedelic gangsters, Satanic pop stars, and the perils of immortality.
With perfect timing, two lengthy interviews with Alan have just gone live for your reading pleasure: first with Subhajit Banerjee in The Guardian, then with Scott Thill in Wired. You'll learn how the League's latest adventures connect to 60s touchstones like The Prisoner and Michael Moorcock, how Alan and Kevin dealt with the first League book set in their own era, and Alan's views on everything from the end of flower power to the future of culture in the digital age. Don't miss both interviews, and pick up the new League wherever books & comics are sold!