Eric Skillman plants LIAR'S KISS on New York! Andy Runton brings OWLY to Maine!
May 18, 2011

After Free Comic Book Day, our biggest TCAF ever, and Jeffrey Brown's Change-Bots gallery launch, the Top Shelf never-ending world tour rolls onward!
First, Eric Skillman plays hometown hero as he launches Liar's Kiss, his super-snazzy noir graphic novel with Jhomar Soriano, in Brooklyn this week! He'll be signing the book as well as some scorching-hot screenprinted posters and more, Thursday from 7-9 at Desert Island, Brooklyn, NY. For more on Eric and Liar's Kiss, check out this interview at the Criterion Collection and this blog post about how he and Jhomar created the book cover!
Then, on Sunday (May 22), Owly creator Andy Runton is the guest of honor at MECAF, the Maine Comics Arts Festival! It's 10am-5pm in Portland, ME and is a must for any fans in the Maine area. Come meet Andy and check out all the Owly books (including the new full-color picture book), shirts, plushes, and more!