Review round-up: Boing Boing & Time on TONOHARU 2 and more!
November 11, 2010

While we're still glowing from the Essex County news, there are plenty of other accolades burbling around lately. Here are some noteworthy recent reviews:
Mark Frauenfelder at Boing Boing, who thought Tonoharu Part One was "stunningly good," got an early look at Tonoharu Part Two, which just landed in stores yesterday -- and has an exclusive look inside to share with you all!
Douglas Wolk at Time's Techland blog has another delicious preview of Tonoharu Part Two, of a moment that manages to be both tender and painfully awkward at the same time. And of course everything's rendered in Lars' incredible visual style. Check it out here!
Meanwhile the good folks at FA: The Comiczine have fantastic things to say about Eddie Campbell's Alec: The Years Have Pants. "Throughout, Campbell’s apparently unflinchingly honest about himself, detailing his conviviality, his eccentricities and his parsimony, and in time he begins to draw up a picture of not only himself, but his family too. You feel that you know these people, though the medium of words, and those loose, scratchy pen-and-ink drawings." Reviewer Peter Campbell concludes: "There aren’t many comics that are both comprehensive and essential, but this is one of them... Every home should have a copy."
Will Dinski's recent Hollywood head-trip Fingerprints gets a great write-up from, which dubs it "a biting, perceptive satire on the seedy side of Hollywood." An interview with Will is nicely interwoven into the article -- discover the thought process that spawned the book, Will's thoughts on bringing it to Top Shelf, and more!
It's also great to see the outstanding mini-comics of Joseph Lambert get some praise in The Comics Journal. One of the stories praised by reviewer Rich Kreiner, "Fall," is available right here on Top Shelf 2.0. See why he says it "reminds in coloring and content of those glorious Sunday excursions Frank King chronicled for Walt and Skeezix in the autumn countryside."