The Son Rises in the West... as APOCRYPHA NOW hits Emerald City Comicon!
April 5, 2016

Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler have brought down the house at comic-cons and book festivals all over America with their book God Is Disappointed in You and its accompanying live presentation, a rip-roaring hour of Biblical comedy.
This weekend, the duo return to Seattle for a special advance debut of their Biblically brilliant sequel, Apocrypha Now, at Emerald City Comicon! Catch their new panel on Sunday at 2:30:
God is Disappointed in You 2: Apocrypha Now
Sunday, April 10th, 2:30p.m. - 3:30p.m.
Room: T301
It's the second coming! Their first book, God Is Disappointed in You, was an irreverent-yet-faithful adaptation of the Bible that got everyone talking. Now, Mark Russell (Prez, The Flintstones) & Shannon Wheeler (The New Yorker, Too Much Coffee Man) are back with a follow-up book, Apocrypha Now, about the stories that DIDN'T make it into the Bible. Some of these stories were forgotten, some suppressed, others were just too freaking weird for the Bible (and that's saying something). In a special advance release for Emerald City, Apocrypha Now is about what the Bible DIDN'T tell you.
They'll also be signing, sketching, and telling their favorite preteen-Jesus stories at Booth #1804 (IDW Publishing) on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday!
Meanwhile, check out the recent preview excerpt of Apocrypha Now that recently ran over Easter weekend at Nerdist.