STRONG FEMALE PROTAGONIST joins the Top Shelf distro family!
September 8, 2014

She thought super-strength could save the world... but lately she's not so sure. Having put away her cape and tights, Alison Green is now a college student in the big city, trying to find ways to help the world while still getting to class on time. It's impossible to escape the past, however, and everyone has their own idea of what it means to be a hero...
After a phenomenal success on Kickstarter, Brennan Lee Mulligan and Molly Ostertag bring their popular webcomic Strong Female Protagonist into print, collecting the first four issues as well as some all-new full-color pages! Top Shelf is pleased to partner with Brennan & Molly to distribute their excellent self-published book. Click here to view interior preview pages and pre-order today!