THE MONTGOMERY STORY now available on more platforms!
November 20, 2013

Two weeks ago, Top Shelf partnered with the Fellowship of Reconciliation and with comiXology to release the first-ever fully-authorized digital edition of the influential 1950s comic Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story, in an exclusive digital bundle with the bestselling graphic novel March: Book One. Following that launch, and the extensive segment on The Rachel Maddow Show exploring the connection between the two comics, interest has soared for The Montgomery Story, in both print and digital form.
So we're pleased to announce that, due to popular demand, Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story is now available on some of the most popular ebook platforms, including Amazon's Kindle store, Apple's iBookstore, and iVerse's Comics+, as well as independently on Comixology! As always, all our proceeds from this fully-authorized release will be donated to F.O.R., and the printed edition is also available.
Thanks to the Fellowship of Reconciliation, all our digital partners, and to YOU for your support of this timeless piece of comics history!