Discover the remarkable comic book that changed the world and inspired MARCH!
November 6, 2013
The new graphic novel series March, by Congressman John Lewis, Andrew Aydin, and Nate Powell, is a landmark for the comics industry and a genuine publishing phenomenon, bringing civil rights history to new life for new generations of readers. Now it's time for a new piece of the story to emerge.

As Congressman Lewis has explained in interviews, the March project is patterned after a comic book he read in the 1950s, which inspired him and many other young activists to join the movement and use the principles of nonviolence to battle racial discrimination.
That unique comic book was Martin Luther King and The Montgomery Story, published in 1957-58 by the Fellowship of Reconciliation. Five decades later, Lewis mentioned it to his aide Andrew Aydin, who began researching the comic’s fascinating history, including the forgotten story of its creation and the numerous translations which have taken its message to activists in South Africa, Uruguay, Vietnam, Egypt, and beyond. Aydin soon graduated from Georgetown with a master’s thesis titled “The Comic Book That Changed the World,” and at the same time worked with Congressman Lewis and Nate Powell to carry on that tradition in the March trilogy.
Now Top Shelf has teamed up with the Fellowship of Reconciliation to produce the first ever fully-authorized digital edition of this historic comic book, as a companion to the bestselling graphic novel March: Book One. Exclusively through Comixology, you can download a digital bundle containing both March: Book One and The Montgomery Story for only $9.99! What's more, F.O.R. has also published a new physical reprint of The Montgomery Story, which you can order from Top Shelf right here.
All Top Shelf & Comixology fees and proceeds will be waived/donated to F.O.R., from your purchase of this timeless and globally influential piece of comic book history.