Powell's Books picks GOD IS DISAPPOINTED IN YOU... and is not disappointed!
September 25, 2013
With a book this funny and profound, created by two Portland talents, it's no wonder that legendary Portland bookstore Powell's Books is keen on God Is Disappointed in You by Mark Russell and Shannon Wheeler! Staff member Gigi says "Don't take this book to Sunday School unless you want to laugh your butt off and then go to Hell."

Those kind words follow a super-successful signing at Powell's, where crowds turned out for a full evening of "weird Biblical entertainment," including animated videos, book readings, live audience-member-sketching, and musical interludes from the likes of "King" David Lindenbaum and more.

Don't miss the awe-inspiring pulpit/lectern Mark and Shannon performed from, after the jump:

See more images and details at the Top Shelf blog, Hey Bartender!