Harvey Pekar's CLEVELAND is available now!
April 18, 2012

The day is here! The long-awaited posthumous graphic novel from Cleveland's beloved son, Harvey Pekar, is in stores now, including your favorite comic shop, digital retailers, and direct from Top Shelf. Order your copy today!
The Beat, which celebrates today with an exclusive preview of the book, offers a great synopsis: "The late Harvey Pekar left behind several projects in various stages of composition, but none was as close to him as CLEVELAND, a love letter to and social history of the city that was his muse—an everyman town of ordinary people and the mundane swirl of life that is nonetheless extraordinary. For Cleveland, Pekar’s script found an artist among the greatest of his collaborators: Joseph Remnant, whose dense crosshatched naturalism recalls Crumb but finds its own look with expansive staging and detail."
Hats off to everyone whose hard work made this book a reality: Harvey, his wife Joyce Brabner, artist Joseph Remnant, editor Jeff Newelt, and Zip Comics publisher Josh Frankel. Your partners at Top Shelf are honored to be playing a part.