San Francisco here we come: It's APE time!
October 14, 2010

Top Shelf heads to San Francisco this weekend (October 16-17) for APE, the Alternative Press Expo!
Come by and meet:
–Renee French, author of The Ticking and Micrographica, who's got a new book H Day from Picturebox!
–Rich Koslowski (who drew the APE poster art), famed for Three Fingers (now in a new edition!), The King, and BB Wolf & the 3 LPs!
–JD Arnold, writer of BB Wolf & the 3 LPs with art by Rich. Also a Northern California comic retailer himself, at Comicopolis in Santa Cruz!
And we'll also have all our great recent releases like Will Dinski’s Fingerprints, the underground Japanese comics anthology Ax, and Alan Moore’s Dodgem Logic magazine (including the new issue #5)!
Some of our Top Shelf 2.0 pals will be around as well, including Jed Alexander!
See you by the Bay!