October 29, 2007

Top Shelf is proud to present a short video trailer of Jeff Lemire's TALES FROM THE FARM. Directed by Marcel Sawicki, with music by Michael Gerald Bauer, and edited by Chris Woods -- our three new friends thru comics -- hopefully this trailer will peak your interest enough to go ahead and try the first two volumes of Lemire's amazing Essex County trilogy: Tales from the Farm and Ghost Stories. You'll definitely be amazed if you do. Click here to see the TALES FROM THE FARM TRAILER.
"Books like this are the reason alternative comics publishers such as Top Shelf exist. Lemire uses an utterly personal, idiosyncratic drawing style, rough but completely clear, that even just-off-mainstream publishers would insist on gussying up for publication. And the simple story's slice-of-life lyricism, sparked by magic realism, is way too arthouse-movie-ish for the mainstream. But lordy, does it work!" -- Ray Olson, Booklist