January 14, 2020

For over a decade, the American Library Association's teen services division, the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), has published an annual list of recommended Great Graphic Novels for Teens — an important pillar in the phenomenal growth of graphic novel popularity and recognition that we've witnessed in this millennium. This year, Top Shelf is honored to have two books in the Top 10!
*Cosmoknights: Book One. By Hannah Templer. Art by the author. Top Shelf Productions, an imprint of IDW Publishing. 2019. $19.99. ISBN: 978-1603094542. Pan lives a very ordinary world on a planet called Verdian. She spends most of her time working in her father's shop and hanging out with her friend, Tara, who is a princess. But when Tara's life takes a very different turn, Pan gets a chance to bring down an archaic medieval-type jousting tradition.
*They Called Us Enemy. By George Takei, Justin Eisinger, Steven Scott, and Harmony Becker. Top Shelf Productions, an imprint of IDW Publishing. 2019. $19.99. ISBN: 978-1603094504. Before he was Sulu on the starship Enterprise, boldly going where no one has gone before, actor George Takei was a little boy struggling to understand why his family was packing up and going to live in a horse stable. Readers see history in a clear, concise, compelling context and follow Takei on his journey from childhood ignorance to righteous teenage anger and finally to a life of dedicated activism.
Congratulations to all the creators of the honored books, and to the lucky teens who get to read such wonderful comics!