Alan Moore

Alan Moore is widely regarded as the best and most influential writer in the history of comics. His seminal works include Miracleman and Watchmen, for which he won the coveted Hugo Award. Never one to limit himself in form or content, Moore has also published two novels, Voice of the Fire and Jerusalem, an epic poem, The Mirror of Love, and four of his ground-breaking graphic novels, From Hell, Watchmen, V for Vendetta, and The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, have been adapted to the silver screen. Moore currently resides in Northampton, England.

The Moon and Serpent Bumper Book of Magic
by Alan Moore & Steve Moore with various artists
$49.99 (US)

Top Shelf Action Pack #1
by McLeod, Venditti, Huddleston, Lemire, Moore, Campbell, Kochalka, Brown, & Powell

The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen (Vol IV): The Tempest -- HARDCOVER
$29.99 (US)
$11.99 (US) DIGITAL