Top Shelf Productions


September 25, 2014

Here is terrific Alan Moore interview that Alan David Doane conducted back in 2004. Great stuff.

Meanwhile, our Massive $3 Sale ends tomorrow! There are so many reasons one might consider buying some of these incredible books; to support your favorite author(s) and/or to support your favorite publisher. But really, because our entire line is yours to be had for CHEAP! Tightwads rejoice!

There are many overlooked and underrated diamonds in this sale.

Boy in My Pocket, by Dean Haspiel.
More adventure/romance/love story fun starring Billy Dogma and Jane Legit.

Jennifer Daydreamer. (Eponymous.)
Dreamy, lushly drawn, modern fairy tales.

Lower Regions, by Alex Robinson.
Quite possible Alex’s least known book, and arguably his most straight-up fun.

Van Helsing’s Night Off, by Nicolas Mahler.
Mahler’s cartooning is pure comics, and pure genius.