Tim Sievert

Tim Sievert lives in Minneapolis, where he enjoys working in the wonderful world of children's entertainment, and interactive media. His first graphic novel, That Salty Air, was published by Top Shelf in 2008. Current and future works include the adventures of the Intrepideers, available to read on Top Shelf 2.0, and other graphic novel projects currently in progress.

Double Barrel #09
Rub-a-dub-dub, three men in a DOUBLE BARREL! That's right, with this issue, Kevin & Zander are joined by another brave adventurer, terrific Tim Sievert (THAT SALTY AIR)!
In HECK, our hero finally hits bottom… and you know who lives at the bottom of THAT place, don't you? This may not work out …

Double Barrel #10
For adventure most feral -- reach for DOUBLE BARREL!
First, Zander's HECK finally accomplishes the job he was hired for -- but was it worth losing everything? Then in CRATER XV, learn the secret of the mysterious Captain Sztab, while Army explores the occult and Canada nears the launch of its …

Double Barrel #11
Is that a light at the end of the tunnel… or the gunpowder flash inside a DOUBLE BARREL!?
In Zander's HECK, our hero sets out to get his best friend back… even if it kills him! It's a titanic battle that'll blow your mind and break your heart. Then, in Kevin's CRATER XV, Captain Sztab risks …

Double Barrel #12
At long last, my little pellets, we've reached the end of this DOUBLE BARREL! Time to spray out into the world.
BUT FIRST! Zander's HECK puts the pieces together and gets some bittersweet closure. THEN: Who is Pravda really? What does Captain Sztab truly want? Is anybody actually going to make …

That Salty Air
Named one of the year's Top 10 Graphic Novels for Youth by Booklist!
"An amazing, strong, well-paced graphic novel about relationships and what we must be do to keep them on course while we are submerged in the complexities of life." -- Booklist (starred review)
"Not since Bryan Lee …