"Kochalka expertly suggests what unchecked supernatural power would be like in the hands of the instant gratification generation. And it’s funny, because anyone who remembers being a teen asshole realizes what he or she would have been like with unchecked power." -- Leroy Douresseaux, Comic Book Bin
Also known as SuperF*ckers #273. SuperDan and his sidekick Percy are lost in Dimension Zero, which is a pretty boring place if you're invulnerable like SuperDan. Unfortunately, Percy is not invulnerable at all, and it's killing him. Meanwhile, back on earth, the rest of the team is busy trying to spy on each other in the shower, protecting their soda from mysterious attackers, and converting to Christianity. Do they have to cuss so much? Yeah, they do. -- 24 pages, full-color comic book, Diamond: AUG053230