"Kuper’s own provocative, conscience-driven work has made him one of the most important activist artists of his generation." -- Douglas Wolk, World Art Magazine
"Peter Kuper is a filmmaker. In the same way that Egyptians who carved mile upon mile of hieroglyphics on temple walls were filmmakers. In the same way that primitive people who painted the interior of the Lascauz Caves were filmmakers. Peter Kuper is a filmmaker with his pencil. His drawings are motionless, but full of animation. They are silent, but they are moving."
-- Andy Partridge, XTC
Praised by Time, Playboy, Entertainment Weekly, Publishers Weekly, & The New York Times, SPEECHLESS is a stunning coffee-table art book of one of the most significant activist artists of our generation. Spanning three decades, SPEECHLESS covers the career of artist Peter Kuper. From his co-founding days of "World War 3" (the longest running magazine in 'zine history), to "Rolling Stone's" Comic Artist of the Year, to major magazine cover illustrator and beyond. This full-color, hardcover collection includes dozens of unpublished illustrations and wordless comics in the unique stencil style that gave his DC/Vertigo collection "The System" its powerhouse punch, and helped revamp the look and feel of the world renowned "Spy vs. Spy" (which Kuper has illustrated for "Mad Magazine" for the past three years). "Speechless" also includes essays and anecdotes on his experiences as a comic art expert in a landmark obscenity trial; step-by-step discussion of the process of illustrating covers for magazines like "Time" and the "Village Voice"; commentary on creating the very first comic strip to appear in the hallowed "New York Times"; and tales of harrowing travels spanning the globe. This ultimate collection of Kuper's art will leave any fan of the medium ... well, speechless! -- 112 pages, Full-Color Hardcover.