Hey Bartender / summer has arrived at Top Shelf West.

summer has arrived at Top Shelf West.

June 13, 2010

Portland has been raining non-stop for weeks. Thank the gods, the sun is finally back. After i post this update, i'm off for a bike ride.

Otherwise, it's relatively quiet around here. I feel like i'm in the eye of the hurricane, and this is merely the calm before the storm. Better button down the hatches...

• Wow. This is a really solid essay on why Jeffrey Brown's comics are so great.

• I picked up a few items of note recently, that are pretty sweet.

Greendale (based on Neil Young's multi-media story). I haven't read this yet, and to be honest, i wasn't that interested in it as first, if only because i'm always suspect of adaptations. Then i read a few stellar reviews of the book, and considered the pedigree behind it; one Josh Dysart, a truly terrific writer and a heck of a nice guy; one Cliff Chiang, an absolutely amazing artist; and one Dave Stewart, certainly in the upper echelon of comics colorists. This is one gorgeous book, and i can't wait to find some time and dive in.

The Invincible Gene Colan. Unlike most comic artist biographies, this came out from Marvel itself. Being shrink-wrapped and at standard comic size, i figured it would kind of suck, so i passed. Curiosity got the better of me, however, and after begging my local retailer to let me peek inside, i must say i'm floored by the quality of its contents. Chock full of Gene's mind-boggling and surreal art, this choice little hardcover delivers. If you're not familiar with this legendary creator's work, here's a terrific introduction.

And finally, the recently released James Bama Sketchbook, from Flesk Publications. Zowie! I was super impressed with the monograph the mighty John Flesk published a couple years back, and i've come to trust his publishing instincts. Mostly comprising "unfinished" sketches and color studies, the book is a veritable gold-mine of luscious art. Seek this out.

• The music geek in me should point out the staggeringly awesome documentary i saw last night, called Rush: Beyond the Lighted Stage. Whether or not you like this band (and i certainly do), the doc is a genuine inspiration, and a beacon for artists of all strips working in any medium, to first and foremost, be true to yourself and your art.

'Nuff said.


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