Top Shelf 2.0

May 4th, 2019
Come Again (excerpt)
By Nate Powell
To celebrate COME AGAIN's two Eisner Award nominations and Free Comic Book Day 2019, we're proud to share a 25-page excerpt of Nate Powell's most hypnotic and fascinating graphic novel yet!

June 1st, 2012
Okie Dokie Donuts: The Peter Pork Problem
We celebrate National Donut Day with this classic story from last year's FREE Top Shelf Kids Club comic. Watch out for stinky beef loafs!

February 14th, 2012
I Think About Whitney
As a tribute to one of music's greatest voices, here's a special presentation of Liv Strömquist's comic "I Think About Whitney," originally published in 2010 and collected in the Top Shelf / Galago anthology From the Shadow of the Northern Lights, vol 2. As in much of her work, Liv uses the life of a celebrity as the inspiration for serious thinking about feminism and everyday life - in this case, domestic abuse.

November 28th, 2011
3 A.M.
By Fred Chao
It's a total joy to welcome Fred Chao, creator of Johnny Hiro, to the Top Shelf 2.0 family! This is a great story about the ones that get away and the ones we hold on to. Thanks, Fred!

November 1st, 2011
The Quiet Burden
By Craig Collins
and Iain Laurie
Can't let the Halloween spirit die just yet! Here's another horror story, albeit with a wry pop-culture twist (hint for the curious).

October 31st, 2011
By Douglas Draper
and Steve Ekstrom
and Jesse Turnbull
To celebrate Halloween, here's the return of an impressive trio with a very gruesome horror tale, previously published in Negative Burn -- but now with new colors!

October 21st, 2011
By Adam Del Re
Adam makes his Top Shelf 2.0 debut with a devastating personal account of the loss of his grandmother -- or, for German families, his Oma. Don't miss it.

October 20th, 2011
ARCHIVE SPOTLIGHT! Today we remember the Top Shelf Swedish Invasion with a story from the talented cartoonist Marcus Ivarsson! He's one of the dozens of artists whose work is collected in our Swedish comics anthology, From the Shadow of the Northern Lights. Enjoy!

October 19th, 2011
By Max Karl Key
Here comes a tender new story from one of Portland's most promising young talents, Max Karl Key! Glad to have you back, Max.

October 4th, 2011
The always-impressive Andrew returns for possibly his most ambitious story yet! Inspired by the tradition of superhero crisis stories, this short epic crams a whole lot of action, pathos, and metacommentary into just a few pages.
Previous Updates

September 28th, 2011
Wood Elves & Eel Hill
By Gabe Gill
Welcome wunderkind Gabe Gill! At only 14, Gabe shows great potential, and we're pleased to showcase his work here on 2.0.

September 26th, 2011
Romantic Bison
By Lizz Lunney
More comics from Lizz are always a delight! Here we join Sweary Cat and Sylvia Rabbit as they deal with everyone's favorite ungulate... Romantic Bison!

September 7th, 2011
Glutenous: The Beach
By Kevin Woody
It's the long-awaited return of Top Shelf 2.0! Yes, after a super-busy summer, your humble editor is back in action, newly relocated as Top Shelf's man in New York City! Now with the Massive Top Shelf $3 Sale kicking off, let's celebrate with some webcomics! Here's Kevin Woody with the hilarious full-color sequel to his strip "Glutenous."

May 18th, 2011
Red Plains #26.2 - "Jackson's Back & There's Gonna Be Some Trouble" pt 2
By Caryn A. Tate
and Kelly Williams
Things never stay quiet in Red Plains for long, do they?

May 17th, 2011
Mathilda's Mother
Also returning after some time away is Johandson! Here he channels his psychedelic imagination into a relatively wholesome fable.

May 16th, 2011
Pericos Tao
We're glad to see Andrew back on 2.0 after a long break! This is a new colorized version of a Philippine-flavored tale that originally appeared in the vol. 3 of the anthology Hive.

May 13th, 2011
Gingerbread Girl, part 33
By Colleen Coover and Paul Tobin
All good things must come to an end! Thanks for following the online serial of Gingerbread Girl - it's been great fun. Remember, you can order the beautiful flexi-cover book (including some bonus art not included in this online version) directly from our web site, or at your favorite comic shop / bookseller!

May 12th, 2011
Deep Breath
ARCHIVE SPOTLIGHT! It was a treat to see Jordan Shiveley and his publishing operation Grimalkin Press at TCAF last weekend. Here's a re-presentation of the first webcomic he ever created for 2.0: a great mini-monologue with a depth that belies its tiny presentation.
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The Players
Aaron Conley
Aaron Navrady
Adam Del Re
Adrian English
Aidan Koch
Alex Robinson
Andrew Brandou
Andrew Drilon
Andrew Lorenzi
Andy Kettler
Angela "Jam" Melick
Anna Bongiovanni
Anna Trench
Ariel López V.
Aron Nels Steinke
Bart Johnson
Ben Constantine
Ben Hutchings
Bernie McGovern
Box Brown
Brecht Evens
Brett Harder
Caryn A. Tate
Charles Pritchett
Chris Beckett
Chris Getliffe
Chris Sweet
Chris "Elio" Eliopoulos
Coleman Engle
Colleen Coover and Paul Tobin
Craig Collins
Craig "Chip" Carmichael
Damian Couceiro
Dan Gaynor
Daniel Gizicki
Dash Shaw
Dave Kiersh
David Chelsea
David Frankum
Dean Haspiel
Derek Charm
Domen Finžgar
Don King
Doug Hills
Douglas Draper
Douglas Noble
Duncan Tonatiuh
Dunja Janković
Edward J. Grug III
Elton Pruitt
Emi Lenox
Emily Block
Erik Bergstrom
Evan Palmer
Farel Dalrymple
Felipe Sobreiro
Felix Tannenbaum
Franklin Einspruch
Fred Chao
Gabe Gill
Gabriel Frizzera
Glenn Dakin
Gregory Benton
Iain Laurie
J.D. Wilkes
J.M. Shiveley
J.T. Yost
Jacob Paul Ferguson
James Hindle
Jarod Roselló
Jason Copland
Jed McGowan
Jeff Lemire
Jeff Zwirek
Jeffrey Brown
Jesse Turnbull
Jessica McLeod
Joe Decie
Johandson Rezende
John Littleboy
John Riordan
John Arthur Hallinan
John C. Ralston
John Will Balsley
Jordan Boyd
Jorge F. Muñoz
José-Luis Olivares
Joseph Lambert
Josh Flanagan
Josiah Leighton
JP Coovert
Juliana Azevedo
Kagan McLeod
Kayla "Kayke" Miller
Kelly Williams
Kevin Cannon
Kevin Woody
Lauren Barnett
Liv Strömquist
Lizz Lunney
Lode Devroe
Malachi Ward
Malcy Duff
Marcin Podolec
Marcus Ivarsson
Marek Lachowicz
Mário César
Mark Luetke
Martin Cendreda
Matt Kindt
Matt Rota
Matt Wiegle
Mauricio Pommella
Max Karl Key
Michael DeForge
Nate Beaty
Nate Powell
Nelson Evergreen
Nick Farewell
Nick Patten
Nik Daum
Noah Van Sciver
Noel Tuazon
Pablo Mayer
Pat Barrett
Patrick Bezanson
Phil McAndrew
Phil Witte
R. Christopher
Rachel Bormann
Ray Fawkes
Reid Psaltis
Renzo Podestá
Reynold Kissling
Robert Goodin
Robert Wyrzykowski
Russell Norris
Ryan Burton
Ryan Pequin
Sam Alden
Scott Smith
Sean Michael Robinson
Sean T. Collins
Shannon Gerard
Shaun Manning
Sophia Wiedeman
stef lenk
Stephen McCranie
Steve Ekstrom
Steve Lafler
Steven Kraan
Steven "Stedho" Dhondt
T.J. Kirsch
Tim Sievert
Victor Kerlow
Warren Craghead
Wayne Shellabarger
Will Dinski
Willow Dawson