Renée French

Renée French has been making comics since the early 90s. Most of her early stories were collected in Marbles in My Underpants: The Renée French Collection, from Oni Press. Her weekly strip The Taint can be seen at, and some of her short works can be found in Rosetta, The Ganzfeld #2 and #3, Kramer's Ergot, and Top Shelf Asks the Big Questions. Her projects with Top Shelf include the critically-acclaimed The Ticking, Micrographica, and The Soap Lady. She lives in the bay area with her husband, Rob, and a hermit crab.
Reviews & Interviews

"Eccentrically impressive." -- Ray Olson, Booklist
"Nobody can touch Renee French for sweet fiendishness." -- Jim Woodring
"Renee French has long been one of my favorite artists and she doesn't disappoint in her latest work. Tiny creatures in tiny drawings with lots of crapballs makes this …

The Soap Lady
Inspired by an actual mummy that resides in the Mutter Museum in Philadelphia, THE SOAP LADY is a wonderfully clever tale about a creature made entirely of soap who befriends a small child. Exploring the eternal theme of "not judging a book by its cover," this Children's Book will appeal to …

The Ticking
"A gem that means more with every reading." -- Booklist
"The Ticking is a journey to a place we've never seen or imagined, yet which somehow and inexplicably we know intimately. To be so deeply moved in so many directions at once is a rare …