Kurt Wolfgang

Mr. Wolfgang is the artist behind the Xeric-winning and Ignatz-nominated graphic novel
Where Hats Go, as well as the editor of the Ignatz-winning Lowjinxseries. His illustrations and comics can be found in a number of cruddy mini-comics, high falootin' artsy fartsy anthologies, and some shiny magazines. Born & raised in some crummy part of New Jersey, Mr. Wolfgang currently resides in the picturesque village of Collinsville, CT with his beautiful wife and gifted children, where he is working on Pinokio, a wordless and significantly unfaithful adaptation of Carlo Collodi's classic tale Pinocchio. On any given day, his estimation of the eventual page count ranges from 600 to 1200, so he's chosen to no longer attempt to forecast such things. Please, don't ask him, he'll just get upset. When not drawing comics or thinking about drawing comics or boring the hell out of his poor dear wife by talking about comics, he enjoys telling lies to his children, drinking beverages and wishing things were different. He still calls his dog's name when he drops food on the floor, even though she's been dead for some time. He's known his wife since he was 10. His father was no damned good.