"[A] wordless, deliciously mannered fable about desire, socialization and utopianism . . . Hartzell's narrative glides along so smoothly that it can take a few readings to notice how clever and nuanced his design sense is." — Douglas Wolk, The New York Times
"Andy Hartzell has beautifully created a wordless parallel universe that is both totally recognizable and completely insane. It's just like our world — dog eat dog er, fox eat bunny. It's brain bending, disturbing and a hoot — like the good ol' USA. Hop to and dive into it!" — Peter Kuper
"Deftly presented in crisp black-and-white, block-print-like panels, this is a must for libraries supporting LGBT collections." — Francisca Goldsmith, Booklist
"Visually eloquent and stylish... the story could represent any kind of battle between the need to be true to oneself and the need to belong." — Julia Cox, Library Journal
"Readers will keep thinking about this long after reading it... richly creative." — Johanna Draper Carlson, Comics Worth Reading
"The beauty of Hartzell's book is that it manages to address the general tone of repression and alienation that infects so much of American culture, but still manages to be amazingly funny." — John Seven, North Adams Transcript
"Hartzell realizes a lot in his graphic novel, and anyone lucky enough to read Fox Bunny Funny will find a work of fiction that challenges the reader to think not only about himself, but also about his relationship to his own group and others. A gay/lesbian coming of age story, the Rwandan genocide, Sudan, American slavery, the Holocaust, the consumer economy, the food chain, gender transformation, identity politics — the possibilities through which to view this story are endless." — Leroy Douresseaux, Comic Book Bin
"Hartzell's unique spin on the theme keeps it far from cliché, and lends a new level of bizarre reality to the world he has designed for his characters... well worth a read for anyone on the lookout for a promising new talent." — Brian Heater, The Daily Cross Hatch
"I was immediately astounded by the intricacy and stark beauty of Fox Bunny Funny. [Andy Hartzell] skillfully creates a world that simultaneously evokes the funny animal milieu and a naturalistic world." — Rob Clough, Sequart
"Cute, cuddly animals prove an effective means for exploring the deep, dark corners of the human condition in this boldly experimental, completely silent graphic novel... both remarkably self-assured and artistically well rounded." — Jason Green, PLAYBACK:stl
The rules are simple: you're either a fox or a bunny. Foxes oppress and devour, bunnies suffer and die. Everyone knows their place. Everyone's satisfied. So what happens when a secret desire puts you at odds with your society? Starting from a simple premise — and without using a single word — Fox Bunny Funny leads the reader on a zigzag chase in and out of rabbit holes, and through increasingly strange landscapes where funny animals have serious identity problems. The tale swerves from slapstick to horror and back again before landing at the inevitable climax, in which all the old rules are shattered. When you emerge, you'll find yourself gazing at our own fragmenting society with new eyes. -- 104-page graphic novel with french flaps, Diamond: APR074013