"By basically transcribing a completely mental D&D session into comics - down to healing potions and backstabbing, which must be this week's theme - Alex Robinson's made the only Red Sonja comic I'd want to read. For $7, it's a perfect stocking-stuffer for the gaming nerd(s) in your life." --Kevin Church, BeaucoupKevin.com
"Lower Regions is a firecracker of a comic spin on sword and sorcery . . . just plain fun to read . . . this little book just explodes in your hands and face." -- Leroy Douresseaux, Comic Book Bin
"The absence of dialogue actually makes Alex Robinson’s Lower Regions more clever than one might think . . . . Any gamer that recognizes the inherent -- or inadvertent -- comic qualities of many tabletop D&D sessions should appreciate Robinson’s Lower Regions all the more. Appreciate them. Appreciate them now." --Kurt Amacker, Mania.com
"It's really quite accomplished, for all its seeming absurdity .... an immensely fun and surprisingly rewarding trifle." --Tim O'Neil, The Hurting
You tasted his Box Office Poison then got Tricked, so brace yourself for ALEX ROBINSON'S LOWER REGIONS! The award winning creator follows up his acclaimed graphic novels with a bold new direction: a pretty barbarian lady with an axe chopping her way through a dungeon filled with monsters! And if that doesn't make you curious, how about this: this bloody, funny 56-page story contains only one word: THOOOOM!. A unique blend of mayhem, cheesecake and humor, ALEX ROBINSON'S LOWER REGIONS will leave you breathless. -- Diamond: SEP074014
PLUS: check out the sequel, exclusively in digital form: Lower Regions: Defense of the West Gate!