"A tiny gem. Tinder no doubt has a long career ahead of him." -- Troy Brownfield, Newsarama
"Cry Yourself to Sleep has adorable characters, a great sense of humor and, at its core, very real emotions. Take a break for your Crisis on Infinite Civil Wars and discover a rabbit, a video store clerk and a robot worse off than you." -- Hilary Goldstein, IGN
Cry Yourself to Sleep explores the disappointments of early adulthood by following the lives of three unique characters: Jim, a minimum wage rabbit struggling to pay his rent; Andy, an aspiring novelist
dealing with rejection; and The Robot, a machine who just wants to be a better man. In this stellar debut graphic novel, Jeremy Tinder mixes sadness, sweetness and humor to tell a quirky little story of pride swallowing, fake moustaches, car crashes and friendship. -- 88 pages